It's the Heart that really matters in the End.
Marathon #5;
Marathon #5;
NYC Marathon;
Time 4:07
My time is an estimate; I decided I should round up just because I don’t REALLY know the actual time. This was marathon #2 in 7 days and I was nervous, felt crazy, almost let those who told me it was “unhealthy” get to me. BUT…I didn’t and man, am I so glad I did this!
Recovery for the Marine Corps Marathon went well. I ran on Monday and Tuesday in DC. I had time to reflect back on marathon #4. Rachel wrote about it, and I realized, my last write up was more negative than positive. Six seconds, I could have done a lot differently to give me back six seconds and a PR at that moment, BUT that would have meant not enjoying the run as much as I did. The first 20 miles were with friends, and I wouldn’t give that up!
As I came to terms with Marine Corps, I was focusing on New York. Tuesday I had a great massage, and Wednesday I went to Joyce’s yoga class. Surprisingly my legs were able to hold positions I didn’t think would be possible by Wednesday. By Thursday and Friday, I was feeling like new! I went on my ‘last’ run on Friday, out in Central Park, remembering my first time running in New York when the Real Estate Club visited. And now, I’m back, back stronger than I was in College, and ready to take on 26.2 miles, with a body that might not be 100% recovered.
I had fears, though I felt good, what if my muscles would just tear and break down quicker than usual in a marathon and by mile 13 I would be done for? I know I said I just wanted to finish, but finishing with a respectable time would always be nice.
Saturday my right hamstring was bothering me, and I had a horrible side cramp that didn’t go away. It worried me, but what can you do? Just fight it and keep moving forward.
Then came race day: I left Becky’s at 5:30am. Walked to the subway, took that down to Battery Park, got on a Ferry to Staten Island then took a bus to the starting area, me and thousands more. I arrived at 7:30 leaving 2 ½ hours before the start. I walked around on the phone with Laura for awhile and met up with Evelio to wish each other luck. He was the Green Start, and I was Orange, so we weren’t together. My cell battery was dying so I turned it off before I could find Phlip and wish him luck, but a quick text did the job.
On the subway I realized I forgot my watch. I decided, it was okay because it wasn’t about time, it was about finishing.
It took awhile to check my bag, as everyone decided to do that at the same time (you wanted to wait last minute so you could wear whatever warm layers of clothes you had bc it was cold). I thought at that moment “I bet Katie Holmes didn’t have to wait in this huge crowd to check her bag!”
Finally, I lined up with the Orange F9000 runners, chatted with a few ladies, and we were on our way- to the TOP of the bridge. The start was the most exciting start I’ve ever been to. The other groups started to the sides of us, we could see them run under the bridge, and we started a little ways up the bridge. I could not believe the site, you could see Manhattan, and all I kept thinking was- we are running there, that’s our destination! I didn’t notice what time I crossed the start, though I know I hit mile one at about 15 minutes. Usually the first mile is a little slower than usual (though it wasn’t that crowded) so my guess is I crossed the start at about 5 minutes into the race. I wasn’t too worried as I thought I had my chip and I could check out my time at the end – again, it was about finishing, not time.
As we hit mile 9, a band was playing Village People’s “YMCA” it was the greatest thing, as all the runners did the arm motions for Y. M. C. A. You see, because runners are a lot of fun, and we run marathons to have fun (at least in my pace range we do). Around mile 11ish or so, I heard some random people cheering for me up on a balcony, and I waved and pointed to the back of my shirt- I love the ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ I get for the idea of running two marathons in 7 days.
The crowds only got weak on bridges but I loved the bridges. Because of the great masses of crowds, I started to pretend I was just in a parade (like the never ending Halloween Parade in Manhattan). So when someone would say my name I’d wave, smile, thank them or if they gave me a hand, I’d high five them.
At the half, I clocked in at about 2:05. I kept running at the pace I was going, thinking, run now because soon your legs are going to break down and if you want under 5 hours, you just gotta do what you can now!
Mile 15-16 was painful. It was on a bridge crossing into Manhattan. The incline was steady and slow for about a mile. As we hit mile 16 we started to go down. So I turned on my phone and gave Lisa a call as planned. I would meet her on the left side of 81st. I then called Becky to find her exact coordinates, and Becky then called Nick to let him know I was on my way. I couldn’t believe how fast I got to Becky, but I saw her, gave some high fives (and some great picture that is out there somewhere). Then went searching for Lisa, which I knew was right around where Nick and company would be so I was hoping they’d spot me out since I was in desperate search for my running friend. Lisa jumped in and off we went. She talked to me for about a mile keeping me company – and she said, “you have this, you don’t need me” and she let me go at 110th St.
We went off into the Bronx, I turned on my music at one point, and just kept running. I couldn’t believe it- I was thinking I could really get an amazing PR- 4:20 was possible! I passed miles 22, 23 and at 24 I couldn’t believe my eyes as I looked at the clock, it was well less than 4 hours. I thought, how can this be, am I dreaming? And I kept thinking, this is the time the race started, so I’m even faster than what it says since I started about 5 minutes into the official clock start. I did walk at a moment, changed up my music from the CD Rachel made for me this spring to a play list I put together on my trip to DC. As we were running on the edge of Central Park, heading west for the finish line, the crowds were so great, you couldn’t walk in front of them, PLUS my legs weren’t cramping up to the point of me tripping over my feet how it normally goes.
I crossed the finish line with the race clock reading 4:11:38. This means I finished between 4:05 and 4:07. I first was stating I finished in 4:05, but I figure I should be conservative and I’ll say my race time was 4:07.
Why don’t I have an official race time is a question I’d like answered. I’ve written to the officials to see if my chip just went nameless or to find out what happened. I am wondering, since I still had my marine corps chip on my shoe (they let us keep it and I thought, since I’m doing 2 in 2 weeks I’d keep it on my shoe as a ‘good luck charm’ kind of thing). Did something with that other chip mess up my reading? In my e-mail to the results people, I begged and pleaded they find my time. I know in my heart what I did, but because it’s such a great PR, I just want to see it to believe it. Plus with my running 50 marathons in 50 states, if it’s not tracked, I don’t know if I can join the 50 in 50 club? I received an auto response e-mail, letting me know I won’t hear back from anyone until Nov. 15th. So…I’ll wait I guess.
But, running the NYC marathon in 4:07 is a dream come true. Around mile 22 I kept replaying Rob Thomas’ ‘Little Wonders’ Song (if you don’t know, one of my mental games when running is to repeat a song that has kept me running, playing it 3 times somehow feels like time has passed enough for it to play once). The song brought on so much emotion and I let it consume me whole as the words are so true “We will just remember how it feels, all eyes on me in these small hours” “let it shine until you feel it all around you” As I listen to the song writing this, there’s one part to the song that I didn’t realize fits the run, until now, as I sit here without an official time recorded: “It’s the heart that really matters in the end” And I did it! 4:07 a PR of my dreams for marathon #5.
So....Turns out...I finished in 4:10:34...finally got that out of the official people - it only took me about a minute to cross the start....it's all official and Arizona was a PR.
My time is an estimate; I decided I should round up just because I don’t REALLY know the actual time. This was marathon #2 in 7 days and I was nervous, felt crazy, almost let those who told me it was “unhealthy” get to me. BUT…I didn’t and man, am I so glad I did this!
Recovery for the Marine Corps Marathon went well. I ran on Monday and Tuesday in DC. I had time to reflect back on marathon #4. Rachel wrote about it, and I realized, my last write up was more negative than positive. Six seconds, I could have done a lot differently to give me back six seconds and a PR at that moment, BUT that would have meant not enjoying the run as much as I did. The first 20 miles were with friends, and I wouldn’t give that up!
As I came to terms with Marine Corps, I was focusing on New York. Tuesday I had a great massage, and Wednesday I went to Joyce’s yoga class. Surprisingly my legs were able to hold positions I didn’t think would be possible by Wednesday. By Thursday and Friday, I was feeling like new! I went on my ‘last’ run on Friday, out in Central Park, remembering my first time running in New York when the Real Estate Club visited. And now, I’m back, back stronger than I was in College, and ready to take on 26.2 miles, with a body that might not be 100% recovered.
I had fears, though I felt good, what if my muscles would just tear and break down quicker than usual in a marathon and by mile 13 I would be done for? I know I said I just wanted to finish, but finishing with a respectable time would always be nice.
Saturday my right hamstring was bothering me, and I had a horrible side cramp that didn’t go away. It worried me, but what can you do? Just fight it and keep moving forward.
Then came race day: I left Becky’s at 5:30am. Walked to the subway, took that down to Battery Park, got on a Ferry to Staten Island then took a bus to the starting area, me and thousands more. I arrived at 7:30 leaving 2 ½ hours before the start. I walked around on the phone with Laura for awhile and met up with Evelio to wish each other luck. He was the Green Start, and I was Orange, so we weren’t together. My cell battery was dying so I turned it off before I could find Phlip and wish him luck, but a quick text did the job.
On the subway I realized I forgot my watch. I decided, it was okay because it wasn’t about time, it was about finishing.
It took awhile to check my bag, as everyone decided to do that at the same time (you wanted to wait last minute so you could wear whatever warm layers of clothes you had bc it was cold). I thought at that moment “I bet Katie Holmes didn’t have to wait in this huge crowd to check her bag!”
Finally, I lined up with the Orange F9000 runners, chatted with a few ladies, and we were on our way- to the TOP of the bridge. The start was the most exciting start I’ve ever been to. The other groups started to the sides of us, we could see them run under the bridge, and we started a little ways up the bridge. I could not believe the site, you could see Manhattan, and all I kept thinking was- we are running there, that’s our destination! I didn’t notice what time I crossed the start, though I know I hit mile one at about 15 minutes. Usually the first mile is a little slower than usual (though it wasn’t that crowded) so my guess is I crossed the start at about 5 minutes into the race. I wasn’t too worried as I thought I had my chip and I could check out my time at the end – again, it was about finishing, not time.
As we hit mile 9, a band was playing Village People’s “YMCA” it was the greatest thing, as all the runners did the arm motions for Y. M. C. A. You see, because runners are a lot of fun, and we run marathons to have fun (at least in my pace range we do). Around mile 11ish or so, I heard some random people cheering for me up on a balcony, and I waved and pointed to the back of my shirt- I love the ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ I get for the idea of running two marathons in 7 days.
The crowds only got weak on bridges but I loved the bridges. Because of the great masses of crowds, I started to pretend I was just in a parade (like the never ending Halloween Parade in Manhattan). So when someone would say my name I’d wave, smile, thank them or if they gave me a hand, I’d high five them.
At the half, I clocked in at about 2:05. I kept running at the pace I was going, thinking, run now because soon your legs are going to break down and if you want under 5 hours, you just gotta do what you can now!
Mile 15-16 was painful. It was on a bridge crossing into Manhattan. The incline was steady and slow for about a mile. As we hit mile 16 we started to go down. So I turned on my phone and gave Lisa a call as planned. I would meet her on the left side of 81st. I then called Becky to find her exact coordinates, and Becky then called Nick to let him know I was on my way. I couldn’t believe how fast I got to Becky, but I saw her, gave some high fives (and some great picture that is out there somewhere). Then went searching for Lisa, which I knew was right around where Nick and company would be so I was hoping they’d spot me out since I was in desperate search for my running friend. Lisa jumped in and off we went. She talked to me for about a mile keeping me company – and she said, “you have this, you don’t need me” and she let me go at 110th St.
We went off into the Bronx, I turned on my music at one point, and just kept running. I couldn’t believe it- I was thinking I could really get an amazing PR- 4:20 was possible! I passed miles 22, 23 and at 24 I couldn’t believe my eyes as I looked at the clock, it was well less than 4 hours. I thought, how can this be, am I dreaming? And I kept thinking, this is the time the race started, so I’m even faster than what it says since I started about 5 minutes into the official clock start. I did walk at a moment, changed up my music from the CD Rachel made for me this spring to a play list I put together on my trip to DC. As we were running on the edge of Central Park, heading west for the finish line, the crowds were so great, you couldn’t walk in front of them, PLUS my legs weren’t cramping up to the point of me tripping over my feet how it normally goes.
I crossed the finish line with the race clock reading 4:11:38. This means I finished between 4:05 and 4:07. I first was stating I finished in 4:05, but I figure I should be conservative and I’ll say my race time was 4:07.
Why don’t I have an official race time is a question I’d like answered. I’ve written to the officials to see if my chip just went nameless or to find out what happened. I am wondering, since I still had my marine corps chip on my shoe (they let us keep it and I thought, since I’m doing 2 in 2 weeks I’d keep it on my shoe as a ‘good luck charm’ kind of thing). Did something with that other chip mess up my reading? In my e-mail to the results people, I begged and pleaded they find my time. I know in my heart what I did, but because it’s such a great PR, I just want to see it to believe it. Plus with my running 50 marathons in 50 states, if it’s not tracked, I don’t know if I can join the 50 in 50 club? I received an auto response e-mail, letting me know I won’t hear back from anyone until Nov. 15th. So…I’ll wait I guess.
But, running the NYC marathon in 4:07 is a dream come true. Around mile 22 I kept replaying Rob Thomas’ ‘Little Wonders’ Song (if you don’t know, one of my mental games when running is to repeat a song that has kept me running, playing it 3 times somehow feels like time has passed enough for it to play once). The song brought on so much emotion and I let it consume me whole as the words are so true “We will just remember how it feels, all eyes on me in these small hours” “let it shine until you feel it all around you” As I listen to the song writing this, there’s one part to the song that I didn’t realize fits the run, until now, as I sit here without an official time recorded: “It’s the heart that really matters in the end” And I did it! 4:07 a PR of my dreams for marathon #5.
So....Turns out...I finished in 4:10:34...finally got that out of the official people - it only took me about a minute to cross the start....it's all official and Arizona was a PR.
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