(I ran with) The King of New Orleans
Mardi Gras Marathon
Prior to this Marathon, Sheila warned me, "Don't expect to PR there, that city breaths alcohol." Well, we were able to hold off until after the marathon before we started drinking, so I PRed. I do have to say, there were about 4 different "beer stands" rather than water stops (or mixed in with water stops) and everytime I was tempted to grab the beer, but I didn't.
What added the Mardi Gras marathon to the 2009 Marathon Schedule? Ultra Jen had run it the year before, and talked it up so as Summer Training was coming to an end, I tried to talk it up to those in the 9:thirsties, to recruit a group to go run and party. Originally Sheila was in for the Half, but she is dealing with a herniated disc right now so she had to back out. The group ended up being Myself, Alexis, Rachel J. and Mike (though I didn't realize Mike was doing it until our 16 mile training run).
I had about 2 months of between races since the Ultra Marathon. I have winter trained before, however usually the brutal cold and bad snow storms don't really start to hit until end of January beginning February. Our 16 mile run was cold, but I didn't think it was THAT cold before starting and I was wearing one too few layers, so I wasn't too happy. The 18 mile run was completed during what one might call a blizzard. It wasn't SO bad until the last 6 miles or so heading back north. Rachel cut out early because her knee was really bothering her. It's a good thing she did because she went to get it checked out and was told to stay off of it for a bit and sent to physical therapy. Luckily, she was given clearance to run the Marathon. So Mike and I battled that blizzard. Around the Concrete Jungle area, it wasn't cleared so we had to walk that. And even though they cleared most of the path from Castaways and North, it was snowing too hard and too fast to keep it clear the whole time. (We saw them clear the path twice on that 18 miles ...it was just coming down real fast). The wind and snow pellets was whipping at our faces and I think we both didn't want to speak up to stop so we just kept pushing through. By the 20 miler, I had had enough of the cold weather/snow. So when the wind was brutal, Mike cut out early (around 12 miles), and I decided to finish it up (and cut it short to 18 miles) at the gym. Rachel was back and able to run again for the taper run. It was another cold day, so we just decided to get it done inside. We wanted to run together, so we 'snuck' into Alexis' building (2900 Sheridan) and worked out in her gym.
We booked our trip so we wouldn't be there long before the run (and not tempted to drink). However, I still ended up going out in Chicago friday night. Our flight was at 7:30am Saturday and we began our journey. Alexis, Rachel and I are all NO Virgins so we were all excited. We got a Kings Cake, and Alexis decided, whoever got the 'Baby Jesus' would end up PRing. I ended up getting the Baby Jesus but really did not think I had a PR in me. Sunday morning came, we woke up around 5:00am and walked over to the start at the metrodome. The weather was perfect. They played America the Beautiful rather than singing the National Anthem, and as the gun went off, we were on our way - I had Baby Jesus (the King of New Orleans) with me.
At first, we had found so many things wrong with this marathon. It cost $100 to get in, which is what you would expect for Rock N Roll Marathon but not for a smaller marathon with not much to offer. The water stops were one table long - with Gatorade on the left and Water on your right (or visa versa). That doesn't work well for me because I like to waterdown my gatorade and bouncing from side to side increases risk of tripping over other runners. Bourbon street was within the first mile and crowded. The mile markers weren't what I would call real mile markers, there were no times posted, just a guy standing with a stop watch shouting out the time. Royal Street didn't even clear the cars out of the way so it was crowded with people and you'd have to weave around the cars.
It was a little tough to keep together- the four of us. Rachel's knee was already bothering her around mile 4 (and i kindfully pointed out it would only get worse). I enjoyed St. Charles Avenue, and Audubon Park. I quickly noticed this was the part where Ultra Jen's picture was taken last year which was the ad to the 2009 Mardi Gras Marathon. I missed the one person handing out beads around mile 5, Rachel pointed that out fo me.
Around mile 6 (in Audubon Park) I ended up starting to feel real good and ended up leaving the other three. I swiftly made it ahead of the 4:15 group and kept going. Around mile 8 I took some ibprofen as I was noticing some slight knee pain so i figured I'd beat it from getting worse. I took my first gu around mile 11 and put on my music. Before running this Marathon, Rachel and I already decided the song should be "King of New Orleans" by Better than Ezra, and coincidentally my Ipod Shuffle was on a Better than Ezra song! I ended up listening to BTE for a few miles, including King of New Orleans. I figured this was reason to quickly text Becky and tell her it was a BTE marathon.
It was a little painful- teasing, as we approached mile 13 - we were still with the half marathoners, and we were coming across a bunch of people cheering that we were almost there...I'm sitting here thinking- not all of us are, some of us have lots more to go! My first half time was 2:06. I kept picking up my pace but thought I'd get tired soon enough and slow down. As I was passing a guy, he started conversation with me, so I ran with him for a few minutes. He last minute switched over to the full marathon, as he was originally signed up for the half. He had a good run one day where he just ran 18 miles so he figured he'd go for it. I wished him luck and went on my way. The second half was a venture to City Park- which is a park larger than Central Park. There was one hill, a bridge around mile 17. It wasn't too bad since the rest of the run was relatively flat. Also around this area, the road was ripped up, in process of repaving and unpleasant to the feet.
I don't remember seeing them but I was flying at this point, and Rachel pointed them out later, around the 18 mile water, apparently there were some men in Red Dresses. This was one of the water stops that had Beer- yum!
I was shocked when at mile 18 I got another burst of energy and started running 9:10 minute miles. Usually I start to slow down around now. As we made it to mile 19 we were on a newly paved open road and it was real nice. The wind was keeping you cool, but the sun was out and in the 60s. As I was passing another man, he asked me where I came from bc he hadn't seen me around until now. I told him, something weird is happening and I'm actually going faster than the first half. I told him it's probably a fluke and wouldn't last long. As I passed him I said "probably see you later" ...I never did! I was still averaging about a 9:10 mile through mile 23. That park felt never ending but I kept going faster than usual for the end. I never walked once. Mile 24 was about a 9:20 mile and so was mile 25. I did what Kathleen always says to do- Kick it at the end. I brought it back to a 9:00 mile and the last .2 was a full out sprint- like I was booking it and finished with a new PR! Alexis was right- the person with Baby Jesus (the King of New Orleans) would PR!
Unlike most finish lines- it didn't take long to get the medal, chip and get out of the finish line area- so I walked back to the 26 mile marker to cheer and run with Rachel to the finish. I gave Alexis a call (she did the half and was back at the hotel) and stretched some. As Rachel came, I jumped back in and ran with her. Her knee was hurting more- but she did it! We then took some finisher pictures with our Boas. Mike showed up shortly after, and we started the Party part. They actually had self serve beer lines. Christine (Mike's wife) and I went to get beers. I poured six as we each could carry back three. I got laughs that I have a drinking problem from those behind me :) haha....that's right, I am a drinker with a running problem.
Though the technicalities of the race weren't up to par, the Course was pretty, and flat, and the weather was wonderful- and I had a great time! The rest of the trip- well celebrations were in order - and we celebrated in style (as Alexis says, The Hand Grenade blew our asses up and the Hurricanes knocked us down). I Love Burbon Street, I love New Orleans!
Mardi Gras Marathon
Prior to this Marathon, Sheila warned me, "Don't expect to PR there, that city breaths alcohol." Well, we were able to hold off until after the marathon before we started drinking, so I PRed. I do have to say, there were about 4 different "beer stands" rather than water stops (or mixed in with water stops) and everytime I was tempted to grab the beer, but I didn't.
What added the Mardi Gras marathon to the 2009 Marathon Schedule? Ultra Jen had run it the year before, and talked it up so as Summer Training was coming to an end, I tried to talk it up to those in the 9:thirsties, to recruit a group to go run and party. Originally Sheila was in for the Half, but she is dealing with a herniated disc right now so she had to back out. The group ended up being Myself, Alexis, Rachel J. and Mike (though I didn't realize Mike was doing it until our 16 mile training run).
I had about 2 months of between races since the Ultra Marathon. I have winter trained before, however usually the brutal cold and bad snow storms don't really start to hit until end of January beginning February. Our 16 mile run was cold, but I didn't think it was THAT cold before starting and I was wearing one too few layers, so I wasn't too happy. The 18 mile run was completed during what one might call a blizzard. It wasn't SO bad until the last 6 miles or so heading back north. Rachel cut out early because her knee was really bothering her. It's a good thing she did because she went to get it checked out and was told to stay off of it for a bit and sent to physical therapy. Luckily, she was given clearance to run the Marathon. So Mike and I battled that blizzard. Around the Concrete Jungle area, it wasn't cleared so we had to walk that. And even though they cleared most of the path from Castaways and North, it was snowing too hard and too fast to keep it clear the whole time. (We saw them clear the path twice on that 18 miles ...it was just coming down real fast). The wind and snow pellets was whipping at our faces and I think we both didn't want to speak up to stop so we just kept pushing through. By the 20 miler, I had had enough of the cold weather/snow. So when the wind was brutal, Mike cut out early (around 12 miles), and I decided to finish it up (and cut it short to 18 miles) at the gym. Rachel was back and able to run again for the taper run. It was another cold day, so we just decided to get it done inside. We wanted to run together, so we 'snuck' into Alexis' building (2900 Sheridan) and worked out in her gym.
We booked our trip so we wouldn't be there long before the run (and not tempted to drink). However, I still ended up going out in Chicago friday night. Our flight was at 7:30am Saturday and we began our journey. Alexis, Rachel and I are all NO Virgins so we were all excited. We got a Kings Cake, and Alexis decided, whoever got the 'Baby Jesus' would end up PRing. I ended up getting the Baby Jesus but really did not think I had a PR in me. Sunday morning came, we woke up around 5:00am and walked over to the start at the metrodome. The weather was perfect. They played America the Beautiful rather than singing the National Anthem, and as the gun went off, we were on our way - I had Baby Jesus (the King of New Orleans) with me.
At first, we had found so many things wrong with this marathon. It cost $100 to get in, which is what you would expect for Rock N Roll Marathon but not for a smaller marathon with not much to offer. The water stops were one table long - with Gatorade on the left and Water on your right (or visa versa). That doesn't work well for me because I like to waterdown my gatorade and bouncing from side to side increases risk of tripping over other runners. Bourbon street was within the first mile and crowded. The mile markers weren't what I would call real mile markers, there were no times posted, just a guy standing with a stop watch shouting out the time. Royal Street didn't even clear the cars out of the way so it was crowded with people and you'd have to weave around the cars.
It was a little tough to keep together- the four of us. Rachel's knee was already bothering her around mile 4 (and i kindfully pointed out it would only get worse). I enjoyed St. Charles Avenue, and Audubon Park. I quickly noticed this was the part where Ultra Jen's picture was taken last year which was the ad to the 2009 Mardi Gras Marathon. I missed the one person handing out beads around mile 5, Rachel pointed that out fo me.
Around mile 6 (in Audubon Park) I ended up starting to feel real good and ended up leaving the other three. I swiftly made it ahead of the 4:15 group and kept going. Around mile 8 I took some ibprofen as I was noticing some slight knee pain so i figured I'd beat it from getting worse. I took my first gu around mile 11 and put on my music. Before running this Marathon, Rachel and I already decided the song should be "King of New Orleans" by Better than Ezra, and coincidentally my Ipod Shuffle was on a Better than Ezra song! I ended up listening to BTE for a few miles, including King of New Orleans. I figured this was reason to quickly text Becky and tell her it was a BTE marathon.
It was a little painful- teasing, as we approached mile 13 - we were still with the half marathoners, and we were coming across a bunch of people cheering that we were almost there...I'm sitting here thinking- not all of us are, some of us have lots more to go! My first half time was 2:06. I kept picking up my pace but thought I'd get tired soon enough and slow down. As I was passing a guy, he started conversation with me, so I ran with him for a few minutes. He last minute switched over to the full marathon, as he was originally signed up for the half. He had a good run one day where he just ran 18 miles so he figured he'd go for it. I wished him luck and went on my way. The second half was a venture to City Park- which is a park larger than Central Park. There was one hill, a bridge around mile 17. It wasn't too bad since the rest of the run was relatively flat. Also around this area, the road was ripped up, in process of repaving and unpleasant to the feet.
I don't remember seeing them but I was flying at this point, and Rachel pointed them out later, around the 18 mile water, apparently there were some men in Red Dresses. This was one of the water stops that had Beer- yum!
I was shocked when at mile 18 I got another burst of energy and started running 9:10 minute miles. Usually I start to slow down around now. As we made it to mile 19 we were on a newly paved open road and it was real nice. The wind was keeping you cool, but the sun was out and in the 60s. As I was passing another man, he asked me where I came from bc he hadn't seen me around until now. I told him, something weird is happening and I'm actually going faster than the first half. I told him it's probably a fluke and wouldn't last long. As I passed him I said "probably see you later" ...I never did! I was still averaging about a 9:10 mile through mile 23. That park felt never ending but I kept going faster than usual for the end. I never walked once. Mile 24 was about a 9:20 mile and so was mile 25. I did what Kathleen always says to do- Kick it at the end. I brought it back to a 9:00 mile and the last .2 was a full out sprint- like I was booking it and finished with a new PR! Alexis was right- the person with Baby Jesus (the King of New Orleans) would PR!
Unlike most finish lines- it didn't take long to get the medal, chip and get out of the finish line area- so I walked back to the 26 mile marker to cheer and run with Rachel to the finish. I gave Alexis a call (she did the half and was back at the hotel) and stretched some. As Rachel came, I jumped back in and ran with her. Her knee was hurting more- but she did it! We then took some finisher pictures with our Boas. Mike showed up shortly after, and we started the Party part. They actually had self serve beer lines. Christine (Mike's wife) and I went to get beers. I poured six as we each could carry back three. I got laughs that I have a drinking problem from those behind me :) haha....that's right, I am a drinker with a running problem.
Though the technicalities of the race weren't up to par, the Course was pretty, and flat, and the weather was wonderful- and I had a great time! The rest of the trip- well celebrations were in order - and we celebrated in style (as Alexis says, The Hand Grenade blew our asses up and the Hurricanes knocked us down). I Love Burbon Street, I love New Orleans!
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