Sunday, April 29, 2012

Half Way There

Half way There
State 25: Eugene, Oregon

Eugene, Oregon is state 25, which means I’m half way there. I feel as if I’ve slowed a bit on knocking out the states, but I'm still doing good. The first 25 states were accomplished from 2005 to 2012. This write up includes three sections: Training, the Race and Reflection over the first half of my goal.

The last marathon run was Hawaii in December. Training in San Francisco is a lot different in the winter than in the Midwest. I actually was focused on other events from Hawaii until February…maybe March.

I was planning long bikes every other weekend, but we’ll talk about biking next week as I have a half ironman.

My mileage in 2012 is about half of what it was the previous years, also 5 months between marathons is pretty long for me. In February I had a lot of visitors so it was a month where my running was more just runs up to 14 miles. Then March hit and I had a 16 mile run. This run was horrible. I crashed and burned and I got home feeling defeated. So by my 18 miler, I was focused and nervous and just hoping I wouldn’t crash and burn again. I was worried the slow down / not logging as many miles meant I was ‘losing it’ The 18 mile was a success as I chose a flatter route and just focused on regaining confidence. The run was around AT&T park and discovery in Mission Bay.

I was cross training more during the weeks, but trying to run 3 times during the week. My 20 miler was on a rainy day. I mapped a loop to keep things interesting, where I ran through golden gate park, and up and around Ocean Beach to Lands End to the Presidio, over the Golden Gate Bridge and through the Marina to home. Elevation gain was just under 2,000 ft and my ability to run the hills was strong (for me).

The following week Ben invited me to join him on his usual 13 mile run through the Mt Tamplais area. This is not my typical run but it was a new challenge and very enjoyable as he was able to coach me on the trails. Over the 13 miles we endured once again somewhere around 2,000 ft of elevation gain. There was some walking and those 13 miles took 2hrs20 minutes (I slowed him down) and I was constantly sucking air and it was more challenging than most long runs.

The following week was my 22 mile run- as I hadn’t run a marathon in awhile I figured it was good to get in a 22 miler. Ben decided to join me on this run. We started at his place and ran through the headlands to make it over the golden gate bridge and into the Marina. We then made our way down Alexander Dr back into Sausalito. Now, knowing Ben’s 13 mile run, I knew he could easily get up to 16 miles without a problem but I was thinking he’d tire out at one point, because he hasn’t run this long of a run in a very long time. Once again, I was thankful for his coaching (and it’s not often I like people pushing/coaching me…if ever). We slowed down and he told me to pick it back up, I was like “woah buddy you are supposed to be crashing and burning and me keeping you going” he kept me going with stories and then our last mile- per garmin was a 7:42. The average was 8:47, but once again, the climbs were ridiculous so that average did include some walking.

I was very confident I could PR on this run. Then in my 2 week taper I got sick. I can’t tell you exactly was wrong, but I was extremely sick and food wasn’t staying down in any way shape or form. My doctor ran some tests, put me on some medicine and put me on the BRAT diet for awhile (Bananas, Rice Apple Sauce and Toast). This is not ideal 1 week before a marathon. And I thought, this is going to be a very bad marathon. The Saturday before I was back to eating normal (after almost 2 weeks).

The Sunday before the marathon, since I finally had energy, and the morning open, Julie Pam and I went to the track for a Julie Workout. I love Julie workouts, and there is the competitive side of me that just has to keep up. We did our own warm ups, I did quarter mile speeds with quarter mile recoveries the speeds were between 1:30 and 1;40. I felt good, when Julie was ready to do some sprints, I decided to join. We did 10 second full out sprints with 20 second recoveries. This is where I need to be smart instead of stupid. 1) When she would say GO I would have a delay start then I’d work my way to catching/keeping up with her. She’s a sprinter - I am not, so a week before a marathon, this is a bad idea. I had 6 10 second full out sprints. Thereafter we moved onto running stairs. Of course where I pulled the excuse “I have a marathon next week, I have to take it easy, was the inverted push ups- how is that going to affect my run compared to those sprints?

Monday, I was hobbling. When I went for a swim at lunch, I was getting in and out of the pool like I had just run a marathon. Tuesday, still hobbling. Wednesday-Friday a little sore but I thought I was going in the right direction. Then on the flight to Eugene, I went downhill. I got off the plane and I did a mini run onto one of those walker things at the airport and my 2nd step- I had to quickly stop because I cramped in a real bad way. The rest of the day they were bothering me as Tony and I walked around downtown Eugene. Sunday I woke up, and I squatted getting up from situps and when I did this- they cramped up again. Tony and I got to the marathon start, and I took a big step up and over a stump, and I cramped up again in a real bad way- first with my right- then I used my left more, and then on my left.

So…This…Is..How..I started State 25.
The Race:
Starting a race feeling like you are at mile 26, is not ideal. For a race I wanted to PR in, I was highly concentrated on my footing right from the start. Tony and I hung out for a bit then we parted ways.  Taking in the start line: There was a short guy right by me that had his headphones on waiting for the start he was jamming in a major way. He was in his own world and it was highly entertaining. Then when you look around at all the guys, they sported staches trying to look like Prefontaine.

As we started, my legs hurt, I started at a 9minute in hopes I could loosen up, I easily worked my way to an 8:30 and by mile 4, I realized, there was no loosening up to be had, it was just going to get worse. At one point I was running and trying to change the song on my ipod, and when I was looking at the ipod instead of focused on my footing, the cramps flared up.

I’d consider myself a person with faith, a Christian but not outwardly religious. I pray for friends and family whenever appropriate, but sometimes, I pray for a good run, and then when I’m running, I reflect on my spirituality and connect to God in this time. There were many prayers early on, that I would make my way through this marathon and maybe still get a personal best. And no, I don’t feel bad for my shallow prayers.

As I got to mile 4, I decided to envision this was the start of my 22 mile run with Ben. I tried to keep his voice in my head to push me through. He was also in Big Sur running a 9 miler on a bum foot that I’m pretty sure is a stress fracture. He thought about doing the marathon and it was going to be a game call when he woke up. I had no clue what he ended up doing, so part of me thought- if he is running on that foot (not saying it’s the smartest thing…but I get it), I had to push through on this pain.

I actually was feeling strong at mile seven, (though it hurt) and around then is when I turned on my ‘marathon mix’ which is currently made up of 24 songs- the songs in my race write up titles. As each one played, I concentrated on that marathon and reflected back on that race (see reflections below). This helped keep my concentration elsewhere.

One thing I loved about this race is, usually the best part is with the half marathoners and the marathon always gets boring and horrible (when they are combined). This one was the opposite, it started to get beautiful just as we split with the half marathoners. This helped me keep my pace up and just enjoy the scenery. I was shocked at the people around me: it was still pretty crowded for a smaller marathon, and there were many girls (running under 8:30s usually it’s spread out and more guys).

I was focused on getting to mile 22, thinking of how I wanted to slow down and Ben wouldn’t let me on the 22 mile run.

Around mile 18, my marathon play list had come to a conclusion. The legs were still sore but I still kept the speed up at a decent pace. But, around mile 20, I really wanted to walk. So I decided instead of walking, I would just slow the pace. This worked but I was trending toward a 9 minute mile.

At mile 24 I decided to walk through a water, and that’s when I really slowed down, but I already calculated there was no way I could PR so I figured, why push it- especially when I have a half iron man the following week. Around mile 25 there was a guy on a bike filming the runners. I’m pretty sure he got stuck on me for a bit (gonna look for that) and…that motivated me to keep going, I can’t be on a video with walking!!!

With less than a half mile left, I kicked it in whatever way I could, and we ended on Hayward field, running a tenth of a mile on the track which was so great! I didn’t PR, but I think this was great training for being able to push through pain. It was a great mental game race, and to be able to push through pain from the start of a race, is a great way to kick off training for the 100 mile run I have planned in October.

In the end, it was my 3rd fastest time the two ahead: 3:40:32- Michigan; 3:43:08- Missouri
I’m half way to my goal and with that, this is the perfect time for reflection. (what a novel!).
State 1: California
Who would have known I’d ever want to move to San Francisco. I didn’t care for it on that race, but I loved my tiffany’s necklace. I also never thought I’d run another marathon again.

State 2: Illinois (and repeated later)
Chicago- It was cold, my legs froze, but I improved my time and I had good company on the run, training for this marathon created the foundation of great friendships.

State 3: Wisconsin (and repeated for the Ironman).
My pseudo Family (Irisa’s family) was there to cheer me on. I was getting stronger, but still, crash and burn was happening, I just wanted under a 4:20 at this time.
**Around this time is when I decided I wanted to run a marathon in every state.

State 4: Virginia (DC)
I was learning how great it could be to travel and visit friends (Jen), as well as run a marathon. I was torn on this one because I added a new challenge of 2 marathons in 2 weeks- this was the first, but I thought it would be the one for a PR. Did not happen.

Stage 5: New York
2nd marathon within a week of the last. I didn’t expect to do well I just waited for a crash and burn, and instead, I got my PR and under 4:20. Becky made sure I had people to cheer me.

State 6: Arizona
This is the first marathon that I can officially say I ran all of it on. I always liked running in Arizona when visiting Lucy and Chelsey so great state to accomplish as a full run.

State 7: Tennessee
Once called home, I loved having my Chicago friends out there with me to share a part of my history. And My mom and my Aunt made it a girls weekend. The first marathon my mom ever watched.

State 8: Minnesota
This was the family marathon. My uncle and I ran the whole thing together (only 2 marathons I have run start and finish with one person) and we made it a great greek family reunion. This is what started my niece’s interest in running (or being like Auntie Tara). She was only 4.

State 9: Texas
Shelia and I had loads of fun the Friday before. Sleeping almost all of Saturday helped give me strength for this run.

State 10: Georgia
This was my first ultra- 40 miles. And first trail run. Very difficult but fun camping road experience with Jen.

State 11: Louisiana
The Charlie’s Angels Trip: Rachel, Alexis, Myself and Mike (As Bozwell) and Christine (did you know Bozwell had a wife J) . I had a new PR.

State 12: Ohio
Hilly, first marathon I finished feeling like I had to sit down and breath slowly so I don’t pass out. Stayed with Erik and Jenny, great to see their life in Cincinnati.

State 13: Indiana
I hoped to break 4 hours. Not only did I break 4 hours, the first time I ever imagined Boston was possible. Maria and I had a little slow down with a car accident but given it was the other person’s fault 100%, and their insurance covered 100% of it, and nobody was injured, it was just a speedbump. It probably gave me the energy for the PR.

State 14: Pennsylvania
The pressure was on for Boston. Not great run but great trip with Rachel A, Connie, Dana and Kathleen.

State 15: North Carolina
Given Philly was a fail, I felt like I needed to take it easy and just enjoy myself. David Lee ran the 2nd half with me which was helpful. Slowed the pace down and finished strong- with enough energy to dance that night.

State 16: Missouri
PR and closer to Boston. Road tripping with Rachel and Matt was fun.

State 17: North Dakota
I became my Grandfather’s friends’ adopted grandchild. The race wasn’t the greatest, but it was a great trip.

State 18: Idaho
Another Crash and Burn. Jen and I went hiking the next day (ouch), and this is when she introduced me to Tony- the loud mouth friend that got me through Ironman Training giving me tips on eating and a training plan.

State 19: Alaska
A 50K, and I had the opportunity to see Molly’s life there. It was a beautiful and amazing run.

State 20: Michigan
FINALLY- Qualified for Boston. Stayed with Kelly, I am real lucky to have so many great friends scattered throughout.

State 21: Nevada
Can you say Drunk Run? The 2nd race I started and ended with the same person: Evelio. He also became my drinking partner on the run. Pretty sure we danced like rockstars that night. Nate and Ash came up from San Diego to support.

State 22: Florida
Got to meet and spend quality time with Tatiana (and Xavi and Michelle). Such a sweet girl, such great friends.

State 23: Massachusetts
My parents joined, trained with Jeff but we didn’t run together because he was faster. Great Trip, tough run, but good overall.

State 24: Hawaii
What was I thinking doing this one so early? Flights were cheap and I really wanted a real vacation. That’s what I made it, Marathon was just a morning event. Umbrella drinks were plentiful the afternoon/early evening before.

State 25: Oregon
Ummm Well- read above. This trip was the kick off to 100 miler training so Tony met me there so we both started training the same way.  I do have a chip on my shoulder since they beat us at the Rosebowl. They continue to live up to their name Boregon Oregon- and Wisconsin is still better. 

Half way there!